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Sunday, May 15, 2016

Painting Again - A New and Improved Look

The House behind a field of Foxglove flowers

The veranda posts have been completed and painted

A more finished look - glass rails will be the next improvement.

Interior painting. 

Judy relaxing at the end of the working day.

Painted posts and beams.

Painted posts and beams.

Meanwhile in the Garden

Water Management 101 - Judy is catching as much waste water
as possible for the garden, here the overflow from
pressure washing the roof.

Camas beyond its prime - the quintessential Gulf Islands flower.

Name to be determined

White Foxglove


Foxglove with bumble bees

Judy pulled out a weed with a root this long.
This House Wren built a nest in this large birdhouse, which was
sized for a Flicker. But then it was evicted by a larger bird,
a Swallow.  -  Never mind, the House Wren moved over the another box,
which was the right size and carried on with nest building.
We now see a pair using the box.

A male Violet Green Swallow. After evicting the House Wren,
the swallows moved in and modified the nest to their liking.

American Gold Finches have started to show up at the feeder.