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Wednesday, September 30, 2015

One Year of Progress - September 2014 - September 2015

September 2014 - Paul reviewing the plans. The old sundeck is in
the background. The old cabin has been moved out of the way.
The bare rock face is where the new house will go.

Bare rock adjacent to the old sundeck.

The building site.

Paul and David establishing the exact corner locations.

Urs, the ever eager helper.

September 2015 - the house, as seen from the east.

View from the west.

View from the northwest. The new house is integrated with the
old sundeck.
The house's covered veranda is three steps up from the old sundeck.

Most exterior painting has been completed.

Covered veranda just outside from the kitchen.
Paul is removing his tool shed on wheels,
also called the ice cream truck.
A whole new line of business for Paul.
The choice is excellent.

Monday, September 28, 2015

Some Pleasant Diversions from House Building Tasks

The house in late afternoon light from the lower parking lot.
Painting tasks are still in progress. More details at the next blog.
We have recently started seeing the Anna's Hummingbirds.
There are two kinds of humming birds in BC, the Anna's and the Rufous.
The Anna's stays all year whereas the Rufous migrates south for the winter.
We are looking forward to seeing more of these little flight wonders.

Anna's hummingbird at the feeder.
Other frequent visitors are the woodpeckers.
Here a Downy Woodpecker.
Another interesting diversion was the lunar eclipse of September 27,
which coincided with a super moon (closest to earth) and
a harvest moon ( closest to fall equinox).
Here - waiting for the spectacle to begin at the beach at
Port Browning on Pender Island.

After some time the fully eclipsed moon rose up over the haze.

Fully eclipsed.

The end of the eclipse is approaching.

The earth's shadow is moving away slowly to reveal the brightness
of the full super moon.
The full super moon is really bright compared to the eclipsed moon.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Recent Activities During September

In between house building tasks we are working on
gardening tasks; extending old rock walls and
flower beds along the driveway.

Installation of vinyl veranda floor by Keith and Chase.

Keith welding vinyl seams.

Detail around a post to make everything waterproof.
The upper portion will be covered by a baseboard.

Detail of waterproofing around the base of a door.

Urs high up on a ladder applying caulking to the siding.

Urs high up on a ladder painting the siding.

Judy is painting the siding at ground level.

Painting is a satisfying task. You see the results immediately.
Paul is installing the belly board around the interface
between siding and the vinyl veranda floor.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Painting, Painting, Painting

Before painting the pipes leading from the roof gutters
to the cisterns they had to be prepared by wiping them down with a
solvent wash and by sanding. This is to ensure that the paint will stick
to the vinyl pipes.

The painting station inside for all the removable sections of pipe.
This corner is where all the pipes come together.

Close-up of the above. In the recent few rainy days we collected
over 7000 liters of rainwater. This is all part of the rainwater collection
system for the house.
The proud painter, after days of painting.