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Monday, September 28, 2015

Some Pleasant Diversions from House Building Tasks

The house in late afternoon light from the lower parking lot.
Painting tasks are still in progress. More details at the next blog.
We have recently started seeing the Anna's Hummingbirds.
There are two kinds of humming birds in BC, the Anna's and the Rufous.
The Anna's stays all year whereas the Rufous migrates south for the winter.
We are looking forward to seeing more of these little flight wonders.

Anna's hummingbird at the feeder.
Other frequent visitors are the woodpeckers.
Here a Downy Woodpecker.
Another interesting diversion was the lunar eclipse of September 27,
which coincided with a super moon (closest to earth) and
a harvest moon ( closest to fall equinox).
Here - waiting for the spectacle to begin at the beach at
Port Browning on Pender Island.

After some time the fully eclipsed moon rose up over the haze.

Fully eclipsed.

The end of the eclipse is approaching.

The earth's shadow is moving away slowly to reveal the brightness
of the full super moon.
The full super moon is really bright compared to the eclipsed moon.

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