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Friday, May 29, 2015

Progress Update

Progress with installing Hardie Board shingles.

Work is being done inside the water cisterns.

Cistern walls are coated with waterproofing.

Each of two cistern is 9 feet high, 8 feet wide and 13.5 feet long.

Xypex is used for water proofing.

This product is used to provide extra sealing of the joint between
the upper half and lower half of the cisterns.

We moved our old water tank farther up the hill.
It will be used for garden water.

The "Queen of Nanaimo," the usual ferry for the Gulf Islands
when coming from Vancouver.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Progress on the House

Paul working on siding

Paul working on siding

Interface between wall and veranda floor.

The frame for the green roof over the water cisterns.

Roofer Tim torching on the tar for a watertight basin.

It's not a swimming pool.

Urs's job - freshly painted fire sprinkler system pipes.

Fire pipes in loft.

Urs's job - installation of piping for central vaccum cleaner.

A female rufous hummingbird was caught inside the house.
An electrical wire provided a handy perch to rest.
Eventually, it found the exit through the loft windows.

Flowers in our Garden

Another constellation of Daysies



Rose Campion

California Poppy

White Foxglove

White Foxlove


A regular visitor in the garden

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Progress on the House

Urs painting the fire sprinkler system pipes.

The electrical panel.

Hardie Board siding being installed. Hardie Board is a cement
product. Its advantage is low maintenance - no rotting,
no insect damage, no painting, just pressure washing.

Hardie Board shingles.

Hardie Board shingles.

Flowers Around the House






Poppy close-up

Carpet of French Lavender




Daisy constellation

Carpet of French Lavender





Fresh fir shoots

New fir tree