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Thursday, September 18, 2014

Barry and Priscilla

At 18 years old, Priscilla has somewhat
wobbly legs, but still a gleam in her eyes.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

A weekend excursion to other islands

Judy on fore deck of Raven Song
Judy on bow seat of Raven Song at a favourite anchorage
Sunset mood

Friday, September 12, 2014

Site clearing and excavation

Stacking logs
Hauling away slash and stumps
Moving the old outhouse out of the way
Excavating the building site
Large rock slabs removed
Excavating down to solid sandstone rock
Steve with the excavator
Using the large jackhammer to break out rock
Hauling away logs; Steve and Peter
One load of firewood
One load of saw logs. These will later be cut into beams.
Steve building the "Great Wall."
Cleaned up to bare solid rock
Solid rock under the kitchen
More jackhammer time to carve out space for the cisterns 

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Surveying work to determine the exact corner locations

Paul studying the location of the building's corners
David on the instrument and Paul on the laser reflector
The laser reflector
David and Urs working the survey
Paul the builder with David the surveyor