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Friday, June 5, 2015

Blog Update to June 4, 2015

Hardie Board shingle siding nearing completion.

Shingle siding detail.

R28 Rockwool insulation being installed in the carport ceiling.

Electrical wiring installed in carport.

This is the exhaust for the gas boiler. The warm air exits at left
and he cold air intake is around the outer mantle.

This is the pipe for the gas boiler exhaust. Warm air out through
the centre and cold air in through the outer mantle.

Barry removes the old fibreglass roof at the cabin
that held up so well for over 20 years.

The new cabin roof is the same product as is used for the house.

Barrie installing the cabin porch roof.

In June we always have a profusion of rose campion.

Corn flowers have just come out within a week.

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