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Thursday, August 11, 2016

Garden of Eden

A bumper crop of  Mirabelle Plums. Very tasty and sweet.

Must have done a good job with pruning this spring.
Also thinned out the fruit by about 1/3 in early summer.
There were just too many to be good for the tree.

Picked just the ripest ones so far, about 1/3 of what was on the tree.

Delicious. Judy will start to process tomorrow.
Italian Prune Plums almost ripe now.

Judy in the Garden of Eden.

Looks like a lot of TLC.

The flower of a Squash.

A Squash

Assorted salad greens

Even a Sunflower
The results of a hard day's work in the kitchen on the boat.
Judy processed a load of Mirabelle Plums.
Two Jars of plums in 100-proof vodka to make plum brandy.
Layers of half plumbs in the dryer.
Several jars of pickled cauliflower and other vegetables.
Finally, also a pile of fresh Swiss Chocolate Macaroons.

As shown on facebook. Everybody is looking
forward to helping us taste the plum brandy,
and pickles

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