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Thursday, December 29, 2016

Working on the Solar Array - Cutting and Drilling Aluminum

The solar array will consist of 15 panels in five strings. Two strings
are shown in this design extract from the 3D model.

The total array will be about 26’ x 10’ or 8.5m x 3m and 
produce a maximum of 4 kW of power in full sun.

A carefully worked out cutting plan resulted in minimum waste.
Using the industrial-strength saw in Karl Hamson's workshop.
A great help.

A total of 125 pieces had to be cut.
Great to be able to work at an industrial-strength drill press
to drill hundreds of holes.

Ready for drilling.

Drilled, and ready for transport.

These angles will be used to tie the structure together.
The plan is that the whole structure will be bolted together
like a giant Meccano Set - if I cut all the pieces to the right length
and drilled all the holes in the right place.

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