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Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Laying pipes and conduits and backfilling between cisterns and foundation wall

Sewer line and electrical conduits
Sewer line clean-out
Electrical conduits going into shed
An 8-foot container will serve as a generator house
and electrical shed
Paul and Shane building the back wall of the pump house
Barry distributing fill material
First sand is used to embed the pipes.
Top fill is pit-run and shale.
Paul and Barry working at back wall of pump house
Elbows for gas lines coming out of the ground
Scott installing gas steel elbow
Dump truck delivering loads of sand, pit-run and shale.
Steel elbow connected to gas line.

Barry - watch your finger!
The back wall of the pump house is growing
while the fill pile is growing too. The top bulk fill is shale.
Delivering shale
The pump house

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Concrete foundation walls emerge from their forms

SW corner of carport
Storage areas in crawl space
Walls water proved and drain installed
N side of carport
SE corner of carport
Carport looking east
Carport looking west

SW corner of carport
Sw corner of carport
S wall of carport
SE corner of carport

Friday, October 10, 2014

Esmond working on the septic system

Installing the septic field in the forest soil
Septic field
Septic field with distribution box
Esmond connecting lines to septic tank

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Urs preparing rocks for building stairs to the sundeck

Collecting all available nice, flat rocks from the excavation
for future projects

A large collection of rocks in front of the cabin

Cleaning the rocks

Layout of rocks for one step
Handling a couple of tons of rocks is a good way to work up a sweat

Cisterns for the rain water collection system

After we extended the driveway, even a large truck 
can turn around
Each cistern is delivered in two pieces
 Truck loads of 3"minus gravel are delivered
to form a base for the cisterns

Steve working at compacting the base

The base for the cisterns consists of compacted 
3"minus gravel and a top layer of sand

Two 18000 liter cisterns have been placed. 
The 4-foot space in between will become the pump house.

Building the forms for the concrete foundation walls

Ron drilling into solid rock 45 cm deep for re-bar
Barry cutting re-bar
Barry measuring re-bar height
Barry chipping out a channel for electrical conduits
Re-bar in place. Vertical re-bar cemented into solid rock.
Ron drilling into solid rock 45 cm deep for re-bar.
As specified by the geo-technical engineer, one 20mm re-bar
is cemented into solid rock 45 cm deep every 90 cm
The foundation walls are built directly onto solid rock

All vertical re-bars are cemented into solid rock.